Run the Race Despite the Chaos… June 2024 Update

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Greetings and Blessings from the Heart of Texas, to our friends and fellow laborers.  We are so blessed to be able to share our blessings and burdens with you. In the middle of all the besetting influences around us; economic insecurity, political instability, military hazards and satanic harassments, we can still say with the Prophet, “There is a God in Heaven that rules in the affairs of men”. The old song says, “I’m on the Winning Side”. I am thankful to be on His side, aren’t you?

God has been gracious to us in the first months of 2024. We have been able to stay close to home (and to stay busy in our home church) that’s a blessing! God has given us opportunities to be in good meetings in good churches. Below are some of the places we have been.

Ministry Opportunities

Fort Victory Baptist ChurchCharge to Army EnlisteePastor Bill KeislingCrowley, TX
Parkview Baptist ChurchSunday ServicesPastor Kevin DeAngeloChildress, TX
Victory Baptist ChurchDays of RefreshingPastor Billy BorhoSalado, TX
Mount Zion Baptist ChurchPreaching ConferencePastor Bryan WeissSt. Clair, MO

It is very apparent that in this hour many are hurting, tired, frustrated, and discouraged.  I urge each of us to run the race faithfully and patiently. Not forgetting to run looking unto Jesus, our Savior and Lord. It is not time to quit yet. In this hour of frustration and discouragement we can still know Joy and Victory in Jesus Christ. He has not and will not forsake His own.

It will help us to remember that it is an eternal business that we are about. We may struggle in the day to day. But don’t lose your vision of eternity and eternal souls that are in the balance. Heaven’s witnesses look on and Heaven’s reward awaits those who faithfully run this race.

In a dark day, in the depths of a Roman prison, Paul expresses so well “but this one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Php 3:13b-14

Much Love and Prayers,

Bro. Wayne and Mrs. Susie

For Itinerary, go to

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5

Note: Bank rules and Tax laws are changing so — Financial Supporters please make your check to Metropolitan Baptist Church with our name on the tag line.