Combating a Lack of Love for the Lord – August 2022 Update

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It is a privilege to send Christian Greetings and Blessings to you. I hope that you are doing well and enjoying “every day with Jesus”. I have been burdened for the condition of the churches in the “post pandemic, quasi-liberal, pre-recession society of this time”.

In Rev. 2, Jesus addressed a literal church in Ephesus; the Idol-worship, trade-route, Roman-military capital of mid Asia. After much commendation, vs 2 “I know thy works…labor…patience, v6 thou hast the deeds of the Nicolaitans…” He rebukes them for one vital lack, “v4 thou hast left thy first Love.” A lack of love for the Lord is a common and serious problem. If anything needs our full and immediate attention this, is it. Observation shows us that there can be no doubt, a great many fail at this. So “How to fix it?” becomes a crucial question.

While many things could be mentioned perhaps the first thing we need to realize is that, since Christ is “altogether lovely“, it is always our fault and never His. I mention this because there are a great many who try to justify their failure by blaming someone of wrong doing else–even God. Regardless of what mysterious miseries trouble us we never have the right to blame God. What he does or doesn’t do never justifies your bitterness toward Him.

So regardless of what we’re going through, if we lack love for Christ or if it has ceased to grow, we have only ourselves to blame. We are guilty of allowing this to happen, regardless of how it happened.  The first thing we need to remember is that love for Jesus is connected with the love of Jesus. We must never forget that Christ is the first cause. We love Him because He first loved us. A person never truly loves God until they are aware and appreciative of His love for them. To increase your love for Christ you must think more about His love for you. That is not only a pleasant thing to do it is a simple, yet serious, thing. And, amazingly, as we delight in His love for us, we develop the capacity to love Him to a greater degree. That changes us drastically. Living in the awareness of His unconditional love we suddenly begin to love others in the same way.

As I mentioned in the last prayer letter, our pastor Jim Turner has retired from the pastorate and moved to Atlanta, GA for the next phase of his ministry. After much prayer, I have accepted the Interim pastorate responsibility. I am praying that this status will be temporary. I ask you to Please be in prayer for our home-church, Metropolitan Baptist in Fort Worth. We pray for that Spirit filled, soul-conscious, preacher who loves God, God’s Word, and God’s church. We believe that God has him ready for us. We want to be prepared spiritually and ready for him. My service opportunities to the churches have been limited during this time, I taught “The Prayer Life of Jesus” at Camp Masterson. I also taught Jeremiah and Lamentations at Texas Theological University as part of the Major Prophets Course.  Susie and I assisted in Metropolitan’s Youth Camp which was held at the church.

There are so many struggling all around us who need our prayers and care. So, let’s all be mindful of each other as we face the fiery darts of Satan in a seriously apathetic moment. Remember that… “We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.” We love and appreciate each of you so much, we need the care and the prayers of one another more than ever. God Bless each of you.

Your Friends and Fellow Laborers,

Bro. Wayne and Mrs. Susie

For Itinerary, go to

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5

2 thoughts on “Combating a Lack of Love for the Lord – August 2022 Update

  1. Jack Thompson

    Dear Bro.
    I enjoy your letter. I would like to ask for your prayers for a special problem. I have been working as a religious volunteer for the last 30 years and we have always had a good relationship with the administration suddenly we have a new warden who has cut all our services and classes. Please pray that this can be resolved
    In Christian love
    Jack Thompson

  2. Jack Thompson

    Dear Bro.
    I enjoy your letter. I would like to ask for your prayers for a special problem. I have been working as a religious volunteer for the last 30 years and we have always had a good relationship with the administration suddenly we have a new warden who has cut all our services and classes. Please pray that this can be resolved
    In Christian love
    Jack Thompson

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