Trying Times and the Need for Believers to be in the Word – July 2020 Update

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Blessings and greetings to each of you from North Texas. As we look around us at the many troubling circumstances, the political chaos, civil unrest, the Covid-19 Pandemic, Quarantine, Business Shutdown, diseases and deaths. The dilemmas we never thought we’d see; assemble together or internet streaming, wear the mask or not wear one, students in classrooms or remote learning? Whatever your opinion of the answers, the issues are very divisive and distressing. The effect on the churches is unique in my lifetime. The long term results in the economy, the political leadership, and in Christians and Churches of America and other nations remains to be seen at this time. So many looking for answers…Consider the following quote from Bro. David Stone, Humble, TX with regards to the situation.

“ When you neglect God’s word you deprive yourself of what you need and the result isn’t good. The question is “Why would you do that?” Do you have any idea what you are depriving yourself of? Do you understand the effect that has on your life? If you don’t know it’s because of your neglect. And if you claim to know, I’ll ask again, “Why would you do that to yourself?” Maybe you don’t understand as much as you think you do. Or it might be that you are not a Bible believer at all.  Knowing what the Bible says is not the same as believing the Bible. Do you really expect anyone to believe that you believe the Bible when you don’t have a desire to study it? If you refuse to read, study, and obey God’s word there is no evidence that you’ve been born again. How can you actually believe all the wonderful things the Bible says about its benefits and then have no desire for it? I’m convinced that there are not nearly as many Bible believers in our churches as we think.

I just read a report from “The American Bible Society” on the “State of the Bible”. The report, from two separate surveys, revealed that only 9% of Americans read the Bible daily. It is no wonder that our nation is in such a mess. The sad fact of the matter is that most professing Christians don’t do any better. Another study a few years ago said only 17% of churchgoers read the Bible every day. Imagine that! There is no doubt about it – the average church member refuses to read the Bible daily and far fewer actually study God’s Word every day! Whether they realize it or not they are paying a high price for their neglect.-“

Since mid-March we have had eight meetings cancelled. Most churches have followed the Pandemic instructions for social-distancing procedures. Right now most of them are in the process of reopening and easing into assembly routines. God has blessed us all even at this time.

Activities and Churches we have been involved with.

Blessed Hope Baptist Church             Revival                        Steve Lindsey                       Alvarado, TX

Metropolitan Baptist Church               Youth Camp               Jim Turner             Fort Worth, TX

Fort Victory Baptist Church                Prep Day Revival       Bill Kleising                       Rendon, TX

Prairie Vista Baptist Church               Sunday                       Lonnie Collier             Godly, TX

Bayou Drive Baptist Church               Revival                        Thomas Bolton           Alvin, TX     

Thanks to each of you who pray for us and this ministry, Pray for pastors who must make these decisions. Thanks to all who continue to support and encourage as well. You are a Blessing to us.

Fellow Servants,

Bro. Wayne and Mrs. Susie

For Itinerary, go to

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5