Having a Good Attitude Despite a Bad Situation – May 2022 Update

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It is a privilege to send Christian Greetings and Blessings to you in what seems to be a dark and troubled time. How are we doing with this time? We are not the first to face these issues are we? Get the vision of troubled times in these two preacher’s ministry. You know this story, think of their response…

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Acts 16:25

One of the most impressive things in the world is seeing someone in a bad situation with a good attitude, that’s a tough assignment. It is easier said than done – but it is possible. By the way, what was ever gained by having a bad attitude? It just makes matters worse. The problem is that, although we know this, we fail to control ourselves. We are always, it seems, on the verge of failure. And our time of greatest danger is when we don’t think we are in danger.

Our pride leads to our fall. We seem to do just fine, but then something happens that puts us under pressure. It might be something as small as a rude driver or as serious as bad news from your doctor. It might be the painful nagging of an everyday physical problem, a bad relationship, or a financial reversal. You know what your attitude should be, but you fail. A bad attitude not only robs you of peace and joy, it also makes others miserable. Worse than that it displeases God. He expects better from us. Even if no one else was affected, if our attitude displeases God that should be enough for us to address the matter. We have no right to ignore that which offends the Lord.

If there is any one word to sum up all the factors involved it is the word pride. Thinking we deserve more, bigger, or better, causes us to get angry when we feel deprived of it. We want to be loved, respected, supported, etc. and when others disappoint us we want them to know about it. Are we guilty?

Dealing with this difficult duty should remind us of our great need of God. Although His help is available we must avail ourselves of it. And to do that we must conform our ways to God’s word. Sometimes we think we’ve got one problem when in reality we have another. So we can’t make things right until we deal with the main issue. Until we strike at the root we will never stop the fruit. Suppressing the problem doesn’t eliminate it. To get to the root we must confess and forsake the sin and cast ourselves on the Mercy of God.

Activities and Churches we have been involved with recently

TTUS-Metro. Baptist ChurchMajor Prophets ClassJim TurnerFort Worth, TX
Fort Victory Baptist ChurchRevivalBill KeislingCrowley, TX
Victory Baptist ChurchDays of RefreshingBilly BorhoSalado, TX
Star Baptist ChurchJubileeRick McClaskey/Sam DavisKeota, OK
Community Baptist ChurchCamp MeetingTony GravesRendon, TX

Our pastor Jim Turner has retired from the pastorate and moved to Atlanta, GA for the next phase of his ministry. After much prayer, I have accepted the Interim pastorate responsibility. I cancelled all scheduled appointments until July and pray that this status will be temporary.  I ask you to Please be in prayer for our home church, Metropolitan Baptist in Fort Worth. We pray for that Spirit filled, soul-conscious, preacher who loves God, God’s Word, and God’s church.

There are so many struggling all around us who need our prayers and care. So let’s all be mindful of each other as we face the fiery darts of Satan in a seriously apathetic moment. Remember that… “We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.” We love and appreciate each of you so much, we need the care of one another more than ever. God Bless each of you.

Your Friends and Fellow Laborers,

Bro. Wayne and Mrs. Susie

For Itinerary, go to www.JustPreachingJesus.com
Email: evangelistwaynehudson@gmail.com

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5

3 thoughts on “Having a Good Attitude Despite a Bad Situation – May 2022 Update

  1. Jack Thompson

    I’m glad to see you are up and well and serving the Lord.
    An old friend
    Jack Thompson

    • Wayne Hudson Post author

      How are you doing Jack. I apologize for losing contact again. I think of you and pray for you often.

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